CHS Marching Band

he Central High School Marching Band is a branch of the Central Band travels all around Connecticut, and even to New Jersey, to compete in the MAC (Musical Arts Conference) competitions. The students who join the Central high School Marching Band undergo a rigorous training with our Drum Majors, Section leaders, and instructors in order to provide them with the skills needed for competing. We work hard and strive for greatness and we guarantee you that once you've been a part of this experience, you will gain better social skills, leadership skills, and confidence.

Practices are almost everyday after school during the season and on Saturdays as well. Marching Band is a very demanding sport that involves a series of skills such as playing music, memorization, performing, and marching. Right about now you must be thinking that marching band sounds like a lot of work and it is, but if you were to ask any of our alumni, they would all say that it was the best experience of their lives and that every minute they spent putting in work for the band was well worth it.

Every year a new theme is chosen and voted on by the members of the band themselves and new Section leaders and Drum Majors are chosen as well. Every member of the band should strive to be the best they can be and sharpen all of their skills so that one day, after they have been in the band long enough, they can climb up the ranks as a leader. Any student in the city of Bridgeport can join the Central High School Marching Band, regardless of what school they attend or their grade (preferably seventh grade and up).

**A Little Known Fact About the CHS Marching Band**
You can still join the Central Marching Band even if you don't go to Central because it is the only BRIDGEPORT marching band! So if you go to Kolbe, Bassik, Harding, Bridge or Bullard Havens you are able to join the marching band.

Also, if you go to school in another city that doesn't have a marching band, you are able to join the Bridgeport Marching Band because they don't have their own marching band in the district.

The catch is that if you go to school in another district that does has their own marching band like Stratford (Bennel Marching Band) or Trumbull (Marching Eagles), even if you live in Bridgeport, you would have to join their marching band because you go to school in their district.

Marching Band Director - Joe De Groate

If you would like to sign up for the Central High School Marching Band or would like more information,

2009 Central Marching Band Show

Secret Agents

Park City Magnet Performance 2009


2009 Championships



Jonathan Law


Shelton Indoor




First Competition of the Season

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